Friday, March 7, 2025

State of the Union 2025 Bingo πŸ—£

🎯 Learning Targets
  • Explain how communication technology has changed the president's relationship with the national constituency and the other branches
⏰ What We Did
  • Watched a recorded broadcast of the 2025 presidential address to a joint session of Congress and played policy/buzzword bingo for Fun and Exciting Prizes™️
⚙️ Resources

Thursday, March 6, 2025

YMTR: Washington's Farewell Address πŸͺΆ
Presidential Communication 🀳

🎯 Learning Targets
  • Explain how communication technology has changed the president's relationship with the national constituency and the other branches
⏰ What We Did
  • Answered Mr. Carpenter's ten yes/no questions regarding Washington's Farewell Address
  • Took notes on the methods by which presidents have shared their message to the American people and with the other branches of government
⚙️ Resources

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

YMTR: Washington's Farewell Address πŸͺΆ

🎯 Learning Targets
  • Explain how presidents have interpreted and justified their use of formal and informal powers
⏰ What We Did
  • Read the warnings George Washington gave to both his successors and the public following his second term as president
  • Developed ten yes/no questions related to Washington's Farewell Address (NOTE: Ten teacher-developed yes/no questions will be provided to answer at the beginning of class tomorrow)
⚙️ Resources

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Expansion of Presidential Powers ↔️
Federalist No. 70 πŸͺΆ

🎯 Learning Targets
  • Explain how presidents have interpreted and justified their use of formal and informal powers
⏰ What We Did
  • Took notes on the development of a unitary executive, the qualifications and term of office of the president, and how the presidency has changed from the role envisioned by the Framers
⚙️ Resources

Monday, March 3, 2025

Checks on the Presidency ✅

🎯 Learning Targets
  • Explain how the president’s agenda can create tension and frequent confrontations with Congress
⏰ What We Did
  • Took notes on the organization of the Executive Branch, the president's ability to make judicial nominations, and the conflicts that can develop between the president and Congress
⚙️ Resources